A collection of great college science teaching ideas from the Society of College Science Teachers blog

The Society of College Science Teachers, an interdisciplinary affiliate of the National Science Teachers Association, is a membership-driven society of passionate college- and university-level science instructors who gather together to share and to learn about how to enhance their teaching and their students’ learning. Founded in 1979 and dedicated solely to the study and advancement of college science teaching SCST members have carefully produced policy and position statements as well as edited monograph collections of essays, all of which help teachers justify and frame what evidence-based science teaching that really works can look like. SCST distinguishes outstanding college teachers through their national awards program as well.
In addition, SCST serves as host to an online blog—short mini-essays about improving college teaching and learning that are quick to digest and filled with actionable advice.  The entire list of posts can be overwhelming, so as a place to start, consider these 30 posts as your departure point highlighting best practices in college science teaching.


Course Design




(2019, February). How to increase your SOTL publication rates. SCST 4(7).

(2017, September). Where to publish your teaching innovationsSCST, 3(2).

Teaching during class


Tim Slater

University of Wyoming

Suggested citation:  Slater, T. F. (2019, August).  A collection of great college science teaching ideas from the Society of College Science Teachers blog. Society of College Science Teachers Blog, 5(1), https://www.scst.org/blog

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