How to Increase Your SOTL Publication Citation Rates

How to Increase Your SOTL Publication Citation Rates

In the not so distant past, the guaranteed pathway to promotion and tenure at colleges and universities world-wide was to publish a long series of refereed journal articles.  This is especially true for faculty who have primary responsibilities in the domain...
How Much Math Should I Use in My Science 101 Course?

How Much Math Should I Use in My Science 101 Course?

Many professors assigned to teach introductory science classes have some experience, or considerable experience, teaching introductory courses for majors. If you are one of those few lucky scientists who are assigned to teach the general survey course for non-majors,...
Best Practices for Teaching with Images in Class

Best Practices for Teaching with Images in Class

Sharing beautiful pictures of nature with your students is key to helping students understand the aesthetic wonder of science, but just how does one make the best use of these gripping visual resources as possible? As a first step toward using images most effectively...
Finding the Best Images for My PPT-based Lectures

Finding the Best Images for My PPT-based Lectures

Aren’t you abundantly thankful—fellow science professor–that you don’t teach accounting or finance classes? Those are fine disciplines, we’re sure. However, they don’t have nearly the array of inspiring nature-based images available for teaching that we...
Is it Possible to Motivate Non-Science College Students?

Is it Possible to Motivate Non-Science College Students?

Although we all wish it were otherwise, your students have every reason to assume you’re not really coming to class each day to help them learn or that you will actually follow an obviously organized pathway to get them there. This is due in part to students having...

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