Why Grading is More Important than Teaching

Why Grading is More Important than Teaching

At one time or another, most of us have quietly uttered the sentiment, “teaching would be great if only I didn’t have to do all of this grading.”  Giving a great lecture is energizing: Grading a giant batch of student work is exhausting.  Each and every day...
Posing Questions for Class Discussion

Posing Questions for Class Discussion

The key fea­ture of any mod­ern teach­ing approach is to ask ques­tions.  To be sure, a point­ed sug­ges­tion of ask­ing some ques­tions dur­ing a lec­ture might seem a tad sil­ly.  How­ev­er, the num­ber of pro­fes­sors who actu­al­ly pose non-rhetor­i­cal...
Using Science Fiction to Teach Science

Using Science Fiction to Teach Science

Have you been mulling over the idea of using science fiction films in your classes?  Science fiction in college STEM teaching seems like a natural fit—many students and professors enjoy modern science fiction films, contemporary special effects-laden action...
Teaching Science to American Students

Teaching Science to American Students

Confused about what works teaching American college students? If you didn’t grow up in the U.S.—or go to an American-style university yourself—you might be deeply surprised at what today’s American students expect.  Alternatively, if you are teaching science at a...

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